
Office Furniture Center’s team of experts can help you upgrade your home office to turn it into a comfortable, ergonomic and productive workspace. With working from home in everyone’s mind nowadays, it is important to have a setup that encourages working efficiently.


Tip #1

Set Your Boundaries

Just like when you are in your office, your home working environment is exclusively yours. Be sure to let your roommates and pets know that when you are in your home office, you are at work. This will help you focused by eliminating potential distractions in your work-from-home setup. Adding a room divider to your room to separate your working area from your living area can help to set your boundaries.

Tip #2

Stay Organized

When it comes to your home office, many times you will be working with less space than you otherwise would. Invest in a mobile pedestal, paper management, or bookshelf to help you keep all of your supplies and documents organized. Not only will this make you more efficient at work, but you will also have a less cluttered working area. Having the right home office furniture will not only look nice, but also help create an organized environment.

Tip #3

Move Around

When working in an office, you are frequently getting to talk to coworkers, grab a cup of coffee, using the bathroom, etc. When you are at home, these opportunities do not present themselves as often, so it is important to set a timer for every 45 minutes to walk around and stretch your legs. Not only will this help you get your blood flowing, but it will also help to give you a breather from working for a few minutes.

Tip #4

Keep Your Routine

Working from home is not that much different from working in your office when it comes to scheduling. Be sure to keep your normal routine intact to ensure that you are fully rested and energized for the working day. If you normally would wake up 1-hour before work for your commute, continue waking up at that time to ensure that you are fully-awake and energized when your start working.

Want to upgrade your home office with some new office furniture? Our team of experts is happy to help! Contact Office Furniture Center at 844.630.3375.

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